- To provide written terms of engagement.
- To comply with all laws relating to the management of residential properties.
- To meet all other legal requirements and relevant codes of practice.
- To manage properties in an honest, fair, transparent, professional and timely manner.
- To provide guidance and obtain best value for insurance.
- To maintain full records of financial and other matters ensuring that all legal deadlines are met.
- To manage properties with due skill, care and diligence, and ensure that, where staff are employed, they have the skills and training needed to carry out their tasks.
- To carry out regular inspections of the property.
- To avoid conflicts of interest and, where they do arise, to deal with them openly, fairly and promptly.
- Not to discriminate on the basis of age, gender, race, language, sexuality or any other factor that might place an individual at a disadvantage.
- To ensure that all communications and dealings with clients and residents are fair, clear, timely and transparent ensuring accurate records are maintained.
- To ensure that all relevant information is provided to clients and residents, including publicising fees, prior to them committing to a transactional decision.
- To take steps to look after client money and to hold this separately from other funds.
- To behave ethically and responsibly at all times.
- To maintain professional indemnity insurance.
- To ensure that landlords and residents are given details of complaints-handling procedures and relevant redress scheme.
Camel Lettings & Property Management – your caring agent